Monday, February 10, 2014

The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God
the subject of Jesus' teachings, an active reality within His disciples of this present day.

What is my purpose for writing this paper? It is to bring to light the revelation of Christ Jesus which has been hidden under a blanket of secrecy and obscurity by the church and of this worlds Governments and Religious systems. These Religious systems are found first in Genesis and then in Revelation where they is called “the great harlot”, in chapters 17-18. These systems have pervaded the history of man from before the foundation of the world and it covers man, in mans Religions and mans Governmental and Economic systems, in the 6-6-6 of Revelation, as the number of the beast. It is these demonic (and diabolical) systems of deception that the conflict and wars in the book of Revelation have revealed, when it is understood ("in the hearing let him hear and in the seeing let him see"). It is basically a battle between good and evil, God verses Satan, when stated in its simplest form. Satan being the deceiver of mankind, and is mans greatest adversary, as well as God's. His deception has plagued mankind by keeping a veil over mans mind and eyes from the get go, causing a paralysis of understanding, or as Jesus called it, "a beam in the eye". It causes mans perception to be blurred or non existent and it plays one against the other is a battle of self wills. It also causes man to look at things in a purely literal standpoint of understanding, with the physical, material and futuristic thought patterns of the unredeemed (unbelieving) man. It is this battle that John the Baptist, Jesus and then Paul brought to light as this battle bears down on them and their singular kingdom message, opposing them through the workings of the worlds Governments and Religious church (whether outright occultic or hidden by obscurity calling its self "Christian"). In their case it was the Jewish church under the leadership of the elders, Sanhedrin, Pharisee's, scribes, and Sadducees and a few lawyers. These men set the standard of the great deception by use of the materialism and nationalism as the yoke under the burden of the Law of Moses, as it darkens mans soul. And like them this same yoke has been passed down to all who are brought up in Governmental and Religions deception, and it is this yoke which is passed down to all mankind the worldwide, because it knows no boundaries. Jesus came to break this yoke which I believe from scriptures is a double yoke because it has both mans sin nature and fills mans need for Government and Religious need, which we unwittingly have need and hunger for in Satan's own nature. My wish is to bring all of this to the surface and to expose it through this paper for what it really is. To have the victory which Christ Jesus came to bring about we need to learn and know Him, Who has set us free. It is for freedom that He set us free, with a two edged sword, the Light of Truth in God.

The synoptic gospels, (this whole section of scripture) is rich with the revelation of Christ and the workings of God both in and then through His subjects, returned to Him. The fabric of the foundational things which for many remain a mystery hidden, veiled in God, by God. That being said, what do I mean by “returned to Him”? For the answer, we have to know first what was lost or stolen. Along with this understanding comes our gaining that which was once hidden, in this statement is this mystery, only through death can we be born again, the exact reversal of how mankind was lost. What was lost, where, when and even how did it come about. The answer is in Genesis 1-3 where the beginning is and which is the foundation upon which all revelation of Christ, and even the kingdom message is based. Man (male and female) is seen in Genesis 1:26-27, were with God in eternity past as a spirit being, one with God for God is Spirit. And man being spirit, was given dominion over the earth into which he will be placed. Man and God share God's rest from creation into which man is about to become placed in a created body (which the angels did not have). In Genesis 2:7, the spirit of man (in the breath of God) has a home or house made for him (male and female) of the elements of the earth, the making of a physical body, into which God then places this spiritual essence (Christ and man, one being). In Genesis 2:20-23 we find that when this man was naming all things of the earth, that he found no help meet for himself, as he was a complete being within himself. Then God puts this man to sleep and removes from him a bone from which God makes woman, mans help meet, and God seals up this wound in mans side, from which both water and blood flowed. Woman is now bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, they are equal and one spirit. Then comes the earths prisoner, the deceiver Satan, over which man is to rule and have dominion of. But woman becomes ensnared by his cunning devices (Religion) and eats from the tree they were told not to eat of. In Genesis 3; woman, as mans voice of the flesh, first eats and then man eats, listening to and heeding this voice, the voice of his own flesh. Which causes eternal separation from God, mans Father and His divine kingdom into which man was created and this sets in motion mans physical dying and man's new nature of sin (where deception and perception are veiled). Here is what, the world and mankind, composed of fallen mankind needs to know or understand, that every person born does not have God's nature and character (though hidden within mans soul as a seed in nature), but now has sin's nature and character (the character of Satan, now rules mans flesh, as mans predominate ruler). Because of this, mankind has had an obscured perception of God, and his relationship with God is now obscured. Then in verse 15 of this same chapter, we find the mystery hidden from Satan (the revelation of the restoring of mankind back into God's nature and character of Christ and His kingdom) and mans view of the process through the seed of woman will come. This seed follows all the way through scripture as a red thread of man's promised redemption (the first part in which mans perception is to be restored), when man accepts this redemption it will bring into operation the power to become sons of God through this journey, which is Christ being restored within man again, called Salvation and which will find man's spirit unite with God, known as healing. This is the good news of the kingdom being restored to God, that which had been lost or stolen from God in disease, corruption and death. This disease, corruption and death itself is what we now have the victory in, an over, as long as we remain willful participants and receptive ones of God's working in us. (Daniel 7:27-28; Revelation 11:15, 17:14) When we have entered into this process of His Salvation, and this only after passing through redemption's process (for only through death can we be reborn, Matthew 7:1-8; Luke 6:37-38, 41-42, John 12:24), do we gain the understanding of this revelation as restored son's of God, that we can now call God our Father, Abba.(Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6) It is from here then that I will with the help of the Holy One, take us through the kingdom revelation of this process. And will endeavor to show the resistance to this Gospel and of the resistance to the Lord caused by God's and mankind's enemy, in what is known as Religion. It is religion that will become the LORD's footstool.

Where and when did governments originate? Through Noah, God creates, mans government as found in Genesis 9 and this pecking order is further found in chapters 11 and 27 (29) in the blessings of Isaac to his sons. But we would not consider these things a governmental foundations but when heard as God intends them, then they become clear to us. In each passage it states that one will serve the other in a service of a weaker to the stronger which is governments origin, man being the weak link and the unity of family being the greater.

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