Friday, August 24, 2012

This quote is taken from "The Mystery of Godliness," page 34, written by Major W. Ian Thomas and is available on the worldwide web as a free pdf. download.

"God uses His Word of Truth to help people understand why they experience a returning sense of spiritual emptiness within their soul. He wants them to recognize the hopelessness of ever experiencing a lasting fulfillment by following the self-seeking ways of this world. “God ‘will give to each person according to
what he has done.’ To those…who are self-seeking…there will be wrath and anger.” (Rom. 2:6-8) They can never expect God to manifest His divine and Eternal Life through them while living as “self-seekers.”

When man’s soul was left empty by the departure of the Spirit, Satan was permitted to enter in and introduce the self-elevating principle of pride. This pride naturally leads to self-will and self-sufficiency. Man will remain hopelessly lost {in this fallen state} until he turns to the Lord and permits the Son through the office of the Holy Spirit to lead him into the life of faith. The Messiah, who has come to establish the lost Kingdom-Life within the hearts of His followers, is the only hope that mankind has of being saved from his fallen nature."