Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Does God Require of Us?

    There are many out there that have mixed and fixed opinions on how one is to acquire eternal life and salvation. There are even some who believe in a replacement theology (what is meant is that they replace Israel or the Jews as they stick to the Law and commandments of Moses), stay in the Old Testament only, some in the teachings of Christ only (what they mean is that they only adhere to the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and some of the Old Testament), there are some who would cut Paul's letters completely out because they say that they are hard to understand. There are main line denominations in that group as well as those who would remove all reference to the blood out of the Bible also. Well to all this all I can say is hog wash...Paul's revelations, which he received from the risen Lord are all that we need to get a hold of. Yes, we still need the Old Testament because in it we learn Christ as the revealer to Israel as their Yeh or Adonai, Lord or at times LORD. If we'll take the time to listen to what is said and how it is said in Genesis chapters one through three. We'll learn more about who we are and what we lost and why God places such a high value on man and why Christ came again in the flesh of man, as the son of man.
    When we learn how to come out of our ignorance or untaught condition then we'll begin to have a child like teachable spirit. You know it is like heading down any street in the good ol US of A and finding ourself at a dead end that forms a "T", you know where you could turn either to the right or to the left but you can not go straight ahead. So you choose to turn to the right but after a short distance you find an arrow pointing in the other direction. It is then that you realize that you heading into traffic, your on a one way street and your going the wrong way. Well that is what life is all about for those who do not rightly divide the Word of Truth into its epochs and dispensations an even proper gospels. Many will follow the wrong way no matter what because their to stubbornness, and their to hardhearted to admit that they are wrong. Many spend years in schools of higher learning to get a degree of some sort thinking that it will earn them a place beside God or some sort of honor before Him. Let me tell you that it wont get you anywhere with Him. Why? You ask...because He only wants you naked and dirt poor, bankrupt of attitude and self ....with a broken and contrite heart and as a little child, like the Prodigal son. Who after wasting all his wealth and prestige came to himself and returned to his father.

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