Sunday, April 18, 2010

What does God Require of Us? Cont A

    Yesterday I revealed a hidden condition of man. And that is; that all mankind is hard hearted and stubborn especially when it comes to spiritual things. We some how think that we know it all, where we get that from may be hard for some to understand. But here goes, it started with Adam when he chose to eat of the fruit. Yes, I said "chose to eat of the fruit", after all Elohim had told him not to eat of it and also what would happen "when and 'If'" he did, but he did it any way. We all have been severed from fellowship with our creator from that one action of disobedience and rebellion of grace and faith. You see it required grace and faith in the creator to allow a desire of our own flesh to over ride what was "known" in the face of the spoken "word" of the results of that free-will action. It was this action that caused man kind in Adam to die or put to death the spirit of Christ in man. This rebellion and disobedience brought sin into mankind and it's penalty death.

    Separating the human race from its creator, breaking fellowship with Him and placing all humanity into a state of spiritual darkness and resistance to the truth or light because of death. You see a spiritual divine being does not die, at least not in the sense that humanity knows death, that required sin to enter in. Sin was not in the first equation of mans makeup as he had the some total of the image and likeness of his creators in him (Christ). Yes, I said his creators because the word used in Genesis one means three in one or triune being.

   Many have found solace in some form of religion, as there are many religions in the world and all claim to be right and provide salvation to all that will follow its teachings. However the oldest is not that of Judaism but rather is a feel good worshiping of self. or a "new age" feeling good type of thing. It started back even before the tower of Babel and has been seen in many forms and shapes through out the dawn of history. Today it is very alive and I might add is healthy and thriving taking on the form of what is most commonly called "Christianity", or "New Age" and some other forms, in that there are many non-denominations and denominations of various names and types and all are a self gratification religious form.

    Israel was a shadow and type of the church and all of its history is for our learning and understanding. "IF" we have eyes to see and ears to hear what the SPIRIT is saying. The Holy Spirit is our guide and teacher as He reveals to us and in us Christ as we were a part of Him and He was a part of us in the beginning. How this change in our fallen nature comes about is in God's hands not ours. It is within His plan and He alone administers it to us in His dispensation, as it is of His Grace. We are to cooperate with Him when we hear the truth and receive the light of His revelation into ourselves. Jesus who is Christ and Elohim and the fullness of God, as the second Adam (being clothed in human flesh) brought the living word to mankind through His ministry to Israel but they along with the gentiles rejected Him and His words. The fulfilling the prophecies (Gods spoken word released into the earth by man) that common men spoke as the Spirit gave them utterance.

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