Galatians 3:18
"For if the inheritance be of the law, (that is the Mosaic Law and its system. If everything that is of our spiritual inheritance is concerned with the Law) it is no more of promise; but God gave it to Abraham by promise."
we saw what did God do with Abraham? Promise, Promise, and Promise. I
will, I will, I will, and the Law because it is based on statuettes and
ordinances couldn't fulfill any of those promises (the I wills), and
because all the Law could do was condemn the Hebrews to death. It didn't
fulfill any promises per say, and so if the Law was going to do the job
then it was no more a promise. But God gave the covenant based on
promise. In other words when God said it, that settles it, and that's
where we come in by faith. Now verse 19 is a verse we really want to get
Galatians 3:19
"Wherefore then serveth the law?
(if it's part of the promises, and it's certainly not part of Grace,
well what was the purpose of it? Why did God ever give the Law to Israel
in the first place? Because God doesn't do anything without a valid
reason, and He did give the Law for a reason) It was added because of transgressions,..." How
many years of human history had transpired from the time of Adam until
Moses received the Law? 2500 years mankind went without a written Law
till God gave the Law to Moses. (Form day one man was given the Holy
Spirit as a guide for his conscience, then after Noah's flood God added
government and of course His Holy spirit was there to be a guide for
mans conscience but in limited authority or capacity) So the Law was
added 2500 years after the human race had begun because of
transgressions, sins. Let's go back and look how sin ran rampant during
that time in Genesis chapter 6. Up until the Law was given at Mount
Sinai there was a system of worship. There was limited organized
religion as we call it. Because there was no written, "Thou shalt, and
Thou shalt not." And so what happened? Well here we have a good example
of that in this chapter.
Genesis 6:5
God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that
every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
continually." Now remember that the Holy Spirit was there
but in limited capacity as we know through the accounts of men such as
Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Shem and others up through or until
Jacob. Even Jacobs sons were men of valor and knew and trusted God but
their descendents did not. All the while mans track record was this for
the most part so can we imagine that? We're getting close to that time
again. But evil things were all that people could think about. Things
that were evil and wicked, and dishonest, always trying to cook up a
crooked deal. You know we get a kick out of our law-making process. Just
as soon as our government passes a law, being a republic but under a
democratic form. When we're in a coffee shop anywhere all over America
what are people doing? Writing on napkins, and just what are people
doing? Figuring out a way to beat the law. Have you ever thought of
that? Especially in programs. When we were lads in Wisconsin what would a
farmer or businessman from way back do? Because of the farm programs. O
they had their place, but, shoot, they'd could come out with a new farm
plan and those farmers and businessmen, would gather around each other
and sit and try to figure how to beat the government every time.
it isn't just the farmer, it's everybody. They're always out to beat
the system. Well as soon as enough of them get away with it what does
the legislature have to do? Pass another law, and it just keeps on
feeding on it. See? That's the human race. Just as soon as people figure
out how to beat the system the system has to correct it. Well now we're up against it with high tech stuff.
In fact we saw just yesterday, it's getting easier and easier for people
to rob from the system through the computers. But back here in Genesis
chapter 6 all people could think about was how to be wicked in some
other way. Now verse 11.
Genesis 6:11a
"The earth also was corrupt before God,..."
What do we think of when we see the word corrupt?
The first thing we think of is an old rotten potato. Now there's
nothing that smells or looks worse than a rotten potato. In corruption
its something that is vile, and something that we don't even want to
touch, something that smells to high heaven. Well God said, “The whole
world was corrupt”.
Genesis 6:11b
"...and the earth was filled with violence." Corruption and violence went hand and hand, and it's not that much different today. In fact what did the Lord say in Matthew 24?
e system through the
computers. But back here in Genesis chapter 6 all people could think
about was how to be wicked in some other way. Now verse 11.
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