Friday, January 15, 2010

Open letter to all readers.

This blog will be an effort to point those who are willing to seek God and His way to the promised entry into His plan for salvation. Jesus when He was here ministering to the nation of Israel only, with few exceptions, revealed that there was a narrow path  through which all must enter to reach eternal life. He said that many would seek or search for this path but would not find it. We are going to point out this path way with the Lords permission for those of you who feel lead to take it into Christ Jesus the LORD. We would warn you to first count the cost just as our Lord told those who were following Him in His day and time. If you are not willing to forsake all in this life and all worldly goods then your not willing nor are you worthy to take this spiritual journey. So stop right here and now before going on to consider the cost.

Jesus taught the kingdom of heaven message to Israel that they had been promised, which would be like or better than which they had under David's rule. All Israel was required to do was to repent and be water baptized to be saved.  Jesus being the last son of David's royal family line as shown in both Joseph's and Mary's family lines. Joseph's is found in Matthews gospel and Mary's is found in Luke gospel, Jesus came to fulfill all righteousness or He is the completion of the Old Testament as prophesied. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the testimony of His ministry and the completion of all things for Israel. If Israel as a nation would have accepted His offer of the kingdom the tribulation period would have started shortly there after.

Israel refused Him and His kingdom offer by their crucifying of Him as prophesied. Then from His risen set He sends the message or offer again through Stephen and Israel rejects the offer again by stoning Stephen. At the same time we have a new character introduced at the seen of Stephens stoning, a Jews Jew in that he is a Pharisee. A member of those who believed in the resurrection of the dead, this man Saul of Tarsus will soon become for us today the message carrier to the world of God's new dispensational direction of His New Covenant, as Moses was for Israel when he lead them out of Egypt as their minister and message bearer. To show the change in God's program He, God, changed Saul's name to Paul and introduces to this man the Gospel of God's Grace to all the world and to the Jew, who would freely accept it. This plan was hidden in God from before creation and was not revealed until after the LORD took His seat at His Fathers side.

Now from this point on we will bring in the scriptures that well bring to life the word which is so plan that all may find the way to the promised eternal life. If this seems to be veiled to you or you do not understand what is being said seek God in prayer as He wants us all to know what His will is in this matter, as you will see in the following posts.

1 comment:

Kimchi4 said...

WOW-a LOT of information to digest!!! Might take me a while to digest it all...Are there some practical tips on how to live this out in our daily lives... Or would you be willing to share from some of your experiences that might make this easier to relate to? Great stuff, thanks for sharing William- keep up the good work and good fight!